My English songbook doesn't have Beeker in the inside cover. I feel cheated.
Mickey mouse
JoinedPosts by Mickey mouse
subliminal pictures and the Watch Tower : a new proof !
by cedric1er in[url=][img][/img][/url].
Local cult exiting groups - a wish
by cog_survivor inreading some of the exit/fader stories my heart breaks.. i wish there were some kind of local support groups for people who want help in leaving behind their cult lives.
living in the heart of the midwest, there really isn't anyone to turn to.
i would have loved to meet with others in a safe enviroment to work through some of the issues.. all the implanted fears make people scared to turn to other religious organizations.
Mickey mouse
The problem is that there aren't enough ex members of individual cults in an area to make it feasible. Ex Mormons, JWs, brethren and WCOG need to start working together more.
How many doubting Thomases?
by konceptual99 inas an active witness atm i speak reguarly with friends and family who are also active.
it seems however that there are some things that people are comfortable discussing such as beards (whats the problem) and birthdays (everyone would if they could) and, if you are with close friends, things like confusion over the generations, pressure of keeping all the balls juggled, harshness of rules around da/df ones along with long lapsed family and to some extent blood.. my guess is that there are many more who may be in a similar state of mind to me and wondering if it really is all worth it.
it makes me wonder about how many with express themselves more if they could?
Mickey mouse
The consensus when this has been discussed before is that the percentage could be anything from 10-25?. I found that you could get so far with a conversation and then you would see them flip to cult mode as Steve Hassan describes. At that point it seems as though you may as well speak to the wall but what you say does still register.
For those in any doubt that the Society is at war with Facebook...
by cedars in...take a look at this from page 29 of the latest october 2012 awake!.
the gloves are now well-and-truly off.
referring to facebook as a "social networking website" clearly isn't working.. the society now feels compelled to start being more specific about which websites it doesn't want you to visit!.
New here
by konceptual99 ini am new here, been lurking for a while but felt compeled to join as i would like to comment on more and more of the topics i come across.
by way of an introduction here is some info about me.. i am an active jw, married with a family, living in the uk.
i serve as a ms and have done for many years.
Mickey mouse
Welcome. You sound a lot like my husband. I was the first to awaken and it was tough. We tried to walk the fine line of keeping family happy whilst not going against our conscience and supporting something we knew was at best wrong and at worst downright dangerous. I think if we didn't have children we may have pulled it off but even if you can lie to yourself, lying to your children is another thing. We are out now, not without consequences but doing the right thing isn't always easy.
Watchtower and Anonymous Links, Updates, News, etc.
by DT ini wanted to consolidate a lot of the information about the attack of anonymous against the watchtower society.
if you disagree with the tactics of anonymous, that's fine.
this information may still be useful as the public is made more aware of the the dangerous policies of the watchtower society.
About Anonymous they are working on things as we speak!
by life is to short insoldier 77 just posted this about two hours ago but i think his post got lost is the great debate and straw mans that another posters was throwing around.. anyway i hope soldier 77 does not mind if i make a thread from his insight.
soldier 77 "this seems to have missed in the tangent argument going on:
anonymous are needing some more people on the inside to help.
Worldwide Church of God collapse
by cog_survivor inon my introduction post a few people expressed interest in how the worldwide church of god (wwcg) imploded.
i think maybe in hopes something similar will happen with the jws.
i think the jws will also eventually experience a meltdown but probably not in the same way since the power structure was a bit different.
Mickey mouse
Welcome. My grandparents flirted with WCOG before joining the witnesses. I find the parallels very interesting.
We KNOW who they are
by DonJuel infolks!
we need to unite on this one.
all of us know names of elders and others inside the tower who are child molesters in different parts of the world..... now that we have some allied out there in cyberspace i would like us to make the most of it.... everyone who knows names and addresses to pedophiles inside the is the time to act!